Earlier today, I was all geared up to blog about how to throw a raging birthday party…but as I walked out of my breathful yoga class, my posture changed and my mind cleared. And here I am blogging about yoga.
Yoga has always been a huge part of who I am. Over 10 years ago, I was a fanatic Bikram girl. I loved the heated room and the challenge of perfecting all 26 poses. I was even awarded Student of the Month. I know, right? I even practiced for roughly 60 days straight to help raise funds for the Okizu Camp, a camp for children with cancer. Such a worthy cause. I loved my Bikram yoga practice so much, I eventually took a trip down to Los Angeles to take a class from none other than Bikram Choudhury, himself. I wasn't enlightened though. Side note: A word to the wise…don't have high expectations or attach your emotions to anything. Going into a situation with lower expectations is usually a win-win and sometimes a bonus! But back to Bikram…it’s a great workout and gives you time to focus on your breathing.
I cannot stress to you how important breathing is. I learned how to breathe properly (haha) when I started my Bikram yoga practice and I incorporate the "closed-mouth" breathing when I run, when I am speaking in public and when I'm a restless sleeper. Breathing slowly is your friend. :)
Other than Bikram, I’ve also done Vinyasa yoga with a spirited instructor named David Lurey. Each week, some friends and I would get together and he would help us practice as a group. I've also had private yoga instruction with Alex Iglecia. He incorporates yoga moves with UZAZU in his practice. He’s a true expert in this field of energy and movement and I still use the Yoga Tune Up balls.
And although not traditional yoga, meditation class is another way to help you focus on your breath. Please note, I’m no expert, in fact the last time I was in a meditation session, I fell asleep! But let me be clear here…you are NOT supposed to fall asleep when someone is guiding you through meditation. Something else I learned was the acronym, S-T-O-P. When you’re in a stressful situation or you feel agitated or anxious: 1. Stop what you're doing (briefly). 2. Take a deep breath 3. Observe your surroundings 4. Proceed to either speak or walk away from the situation. So whenever you see a STOP sign, try practicing. Let me know if it works for you.
Today, I took a Hatha yoga class with peaceful Ben. I forgot how great it felt to just stretch and breathe. All and all, any form of yoga is my friend and should be yours, too! Let me put some wow into your now and recommend a blissful read called, "The Power of Now," by Eckhart Tolle. And for even more ooooms and ahhhs, I’m available to help you plan a relaxing yoga party for you and your friends. Just ask! I promise your friends will thank you.
Before I go, let me leave you with my purpose. I believe in being present in this moment, fully enjoying what life has to offer right now. I believe that every moment we live is an opportunity to express our authentic style. I believe that when curiosity and creativity are combined with ingenuity, possibilities become reality.
Impossible doesn't exist…