Robin Laub, a Life Stylist

Top 10 Reasons Why I Love My Mom

With Mother’s Day upon us, this week’s Report is dedicated to all of the wonderful women who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to nurture and love the children in their lives. 

Even if your mom isn’t active in your life, isn’t on this Earth anymore or it was your Aunt that raised you, I think it’s important to acknowledge the people who helped us become who we are today.

Here are the top 10 reasons why I love my mom and some tips to try with your kids:

10. My mom makes the best sandwiches! Every Wednesday when my elementary school had early dismissal, my mom would make me a delicious tuna sandwich on white Sunbeam bread accompanied with Fritos. Ah, I can taste it now! Enjoy cooking for your kids! Yum! (Oh Mom, your Chicken Divan is divine, too!)

9. My mom is funny! She makes hysterical grimaces with her mouth and can always turn an awkward situation into a humorous one. Be goofy with your kids and jump around with them.

8. My mom has an infectious laugh! She even laughs at ordinary and mundane commercials! Laughing is healthy therapy. Try to laugh at least once a day to keep the doctors away! Hee Hee

7. My mom is full of energy! She started playing tennis at age 40, made it to USTA Nationals and even paraglided at age 79! Amazing woman! Exercise with your kids and keep active. Ace that!

6. My mom is smart! She would help me study and diligently help pronounce French words just so I would get it right! Study with your kids and read some of the same books as they do, too! C’est une bonne idée!

5. My mom has the biggest heart! My good friends say, “I love your Mom, she is so sweet!” And she really is. "Kill em’ with kindness," she always says.

4. My mom is so positive! She rarely says anything negative but just flushes it and brushes it off. She has practiced mindfulness without even knowing it. Teach your kids to love life in the present moment and don't dwell on the negativity.

3. My mom is very generous! She would give anything to anyone. It’s good to give back because as my mom says, “What goes around comes around!” Now, go give your mom something back! I’ve got some great gift ideas to surprise her with – just ask!

2. My mom smiles constantly! She is a happy woman beaming with her wide-rimmed grin. Smiling might cause wrinkles, but it's better than frowning. Say cheese!

And the #1 reason why I love my mom so much is …

My mom loves her kids unconditionally and equally! She has four children and we all secretly think we are her favorite one. Ha! That’s how great my mom is at loving us individually. Spread the love to each of your kids!

For those who are mothers, mothers-to-be or perform motherly duties, please enjoy Sunday, May 12th and remember how incredibly loved and important you are in this life!

"The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness."  ~Honoré de Balzac

Happy Mother’s Day, mom!

P.S. Looking for some last minute Mother's Day gift and party inspiration? Check out my Mother's Day board on Pinterest!