Robin Laub, a Life Stylist

My Top 5 Thirst-Quenching Beverages

Imagine…it’s a sultry summer day in July. You just got back from a sweaty run and you need to drink something that will quench your thirst. Or maybe you’re craving a beverage that’s tasty but not too sweet. The following beverages will do the trick!

  1. Iced Tea. I prefer Kusmi Tea, a product from Paris. Mais oui! Steep your tea and then add some ice cubes. I like putting fresh mint leaves in my ice cube trays of water so when the ice cubes melt; I get this fresh minty taste in my tea. Should you need sweetener without the calories, I use nature’s calorie-free sweetener called Truvia. It’s true!
  2. Iced coffee. Brew your favorite coffee beans and throw in some ice. I love, love, love African coffee especially Africafe from Tanzania and Kenyan coffee from Nairobi Java House. I know not everyone has the time or money to go to Africa to get the taste of the African terrain, but you can find many other varieties of African coffee here in the states. Need some suggestions? Just Ask!
  3. Sportea. This caffeine free beverage is terrific before or after a run, gym workout or other fitness activity. It gives me the right amount of energy without that jittery feeling.
  4. Neuro. This is a sport drink also known as a smart energy drink. Truthfully, I do think a lot clearer after a swig of this stuff! Ha! I prefer the raspberry boost flavor.
  5. Plain ol’ H2O. I drink water, no ice, plenty of it and sin gaz (no bubbles, yet I like champagne. Go figure!).

Enjoy your sips!