Happy New Years! One of my 2013 resolutions is to plan another fabulous trip to Paris. Until then, Pinterest, take me away! And that it does (when I have time)! This site captures the essence of fun and wonderful ideas for event coordination, home decorating, recipes, fashion and lots more.
I particularly like my board named, Paris. I lived in the Loire Valley during my junior year abroad and loved every minute of being French! My Paris board exudes the lifestyle of being the French and famous. I’m particularly enamored by La Tour Eiffel. Its tall, elegant stature takes my breath away. Recently, I was there with my daughter celebrating a special birthday and we ate at the Alain Ducasse Michelin-starred restaurant called Le Jules Verne. It is "spendy" (wow, an old Portland, OR term that just jumped into my head!), however, everything about it is like a jewel. The food was exquisite with its' presentation and the service was stellar. The maitre d', Jean Jacques was incredibly funny and even walked outside to take a picture of us overlooking the "city of light!" To say the least, we fell in love with everything about the place.
It's odd I have not yet spoken about my French connection in The Report, as that study abroad has been a big part of my life and truly distinguishes who I am today. I know Paris like the back of my hand with all its' landmarks, museums, restaurants, and of course, adorable shops.
I particularly like Le Marais dans le quatriéme arrondissement (4th quarter). Its' trendy and fashionable restaurants, galleries and boutiques remind me of the West side of Manhattan.
There is truly nothing like or truly similar to the likes of Paris. It is the one and only place (besides the Bay Area) that I could actually move to. Yes, it helps that I adore the French language and speak it, too (and love basically EVERYTHING associated with being French), but the city of Paris and the country of France as a whole is probably the most beautiful and cultural place in the world (again, in my opinion!). Would anyone like to parlez-vous?? I’d love to plan your next trip to my favorite part of the world – just ask!
But back to pinning on Pinterest…I like to pin most things that give me an ooooh and a laaalaaa feeling! I like the Polyvore outfit combinations that are pinned and some of the photography that is pinned is gorgeous, too. But mostly, I like perusing through all the incredible recipes that I keep dying to try. I highly recommend trying Pinterest; it's a good thing! Follow my boards and I’ll follow yours!
Au revoir mes amis!