Robin Laub, a Life Stylist

Do you ever get "Carried" away?

Have I told you about my obsession with Sex and the City? No, not that…the TV show! It’s a comedy/drama television series about four professional women who pal around together and live in New York City. It’s been off the air for years, but you can always catch a re-run. There were 6 seasons of the show and I’ve probably watched every episode at least 3-4 times!

Everything about the four girlfriends is great. They dress stylishly, eat at the hippest places, and candidly talk about their everyday lives, particularly about their friendships and romantic relationships in the big apple.

The fact that it’s based in NYC, a city I one day would like to live in (especially at 66 Perry Street and Bleeker), is all that more enticing. Quoting from some of the episodes and relating them to everyday life is most enjoyable and great girl talk. Ha! I could watch this show at the drop of any moment.

Not only do I love watching old episodes and all the escapades, I adore Sarah Jessica Parker a.k.a. Carrie Bradshaw. I resonate the most with Carrie. Why? Okay, she’s petite and I’m petite. And she was a writer, too! I write a blog…hmmm…another coinkadink? I associate myself the most with Carrie because of her spunk and vibrancy. But it’s her style that I love the most! Her poufy designer dresses, extravagant headpieces and love for adorable high-heeled shoes are most admirable.

Carrie’s favorite shoes are Manolo Blahniks. I had a pair. Once. They hurt my pinkie toes so badly. Did you know that some people have toe surgery so that they can comfortably wear high heels? How Carrie traipsed around Manhattan in her shoes was beyond me. Carrie’s other favorite shoes were Christian Louboutin. These are absolutely sexy, fun and fashionable shoes. If you don’t want to pay the exorbitant prices of Manolo’s or Louboutin’s, check out your local consignment stores. Fun fact: I wear heels all the time. I just don’t sprint in them!

What I get carried away most from these shows is the true and genuine companionship and friendship these women have for each other. They sit around eating and talking about the shenanigans from the night before or the status of their current romantic relationships.

I think the show is truly hilarious and it never gets old. Having true friendships with your girlfriends is like having peanut butter with jelly or milk with cookies. I cherish my female friendships and respect the importance of them. In fact, my friends and I even have SATC girl’s night out where we eat takeout food, watch old re-runs and drink Veuve or Cosmos. Epic. Fun. I’d be more than happy to help you plan a party like this and any other type themed events. Just ask!

My favorite episode? The one where Carrie flies through the air on the trapeze facing the Hudson River. I even tried the flying trapeze several years ago at Circus Center San Francisco but I couldn’t do the catch. I had no problem climbing up the steep ladder, standing on the small plank, reaching for the bar and swinging freely through the air. But could not, for the life of me, let go of the bar holding on to my knee. Carrie was much braver than me! Oh, and then there was Carrie's main catch...his name was Big. Do you have a “Big” in your life?

"The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you that you love, well, that's just fabulous." – Carrie,
An American Girl in Paris (Part Deux) – Season 6