Robin Laub, a Life Stylist


For your next event, why not create a Step-n-Repeat? For those who are saying, huh?, a Step-n-Repeat is a creative banner or backdrop that is used at events for photo opportunities. You’ve probably seen them used during awards shows along the red carpet.

A Step-n-Repeat can be made from different materials. I prefer a vinyl backdrop as it falls better, is more heavy duty and images are presented in a more vibrant manner. One of the main reasons for a Step-n-Repeat is that it’s good PR for your company or event as you can provide brand logos or images that will be visible when people get their photos taken. Brand awareness is key with these logo’d backdrops and they’re great for working branding into every photo taken. 

But what does step-n-repeat truly mean? Basically, it’s when someone “steps” on the red carpet (or whatever color carpet you decide to use), poses and then other people “repeat” as everyone continues down the carpet to the event. 

As your event stylist, I highly recommend creating a Step-n-Repeat backdrop for your next birthday bash, fundraiser, film festival, gala, benefit or annual company meeting. I can help you create your one-of-a-kind backdrop, assist you with carpet color to go best with your event theme, recommend poles and stanchions and other accessories to make the Step-n-Repeat stand tall, assist with fabulous lighting to put a little “Wow into your Now” and help with locating the best photographer to take those amazing photos for your guests to share. 


Say cheese!