Robin Laub, a Life Stylist

Go Color or Go Home!

These days, it’s all about color, color and more color! A pop on your front door step, a splash on your interior walls, and a spray on your face? During the Color Run, that is! 

My friend suggested that we run this crazy 5k, and although I wasn’t familiar with the race, I thought why not? Exercise is good and healthy, plus I was curious. Especially when she dropped off my race packet and I found a tutu inside. No, really! A tutu!

I love to run, but not in a tutu! I’d rather run in my black, compression capri pants and a vibrant Under Armour shirt. But I was game for the, “Happiest 5k on The Planet!” We fashioned our arms with temporary “happy” tattoos, wore white sweatbands embracing our heads and skipped off to the starting line.
Fun, hip-hoppy music was blaring and getting us pumped up for the race. 3-2-1 and we were off! After every .5K, we were awaited by a screaming pack of volunteers with paint spray bottles just ready to douse us with orange, blue, red, purple and yellow powdered paint colors. The paint was non-toxic, made out of cornstarch and 100% safe…but I still used my bandanna to cover my mouth. And it’s a good thing I wore my sunglasses, but somehow orange paint dust still happened to sneak through. Regardless, it was a colorful blast!

We ended up at the finish line with a myriad of bright colors on our faces, hair, legs and even under arms!!! While the music was boppin’, the host would scream, “shake those packets” and the entire crowd would rip open colored packets of powder mixture and it rained a rainbow of colors for all to be smeared with. Truly innocent (not so clean) colorful fun!

Best of all, the Color Run supports local charities in their goal to raise $1 million. The one I ran in supported the American Diabetes Association. I highly recommend signing up for a Color Run event in your neck of the woods! (I sound like Al Roker from the Today Show!)

If colored powder and tutus aren’t your thing, there are many other ways to color your world. Here are my tips for incorporating color:

  1. Display bright plants on your doorstep or by your front door. It’s a warm welcome for your family and friends and what better way to stand in front of a door and look at pretty and lively décor as opposed to gazing at spider webs and dreary doormats? I always like to add color to the front step to brighten up anyone’s day who might be passing our way.
  2. Brighten your dinner table with fresh cut flowers. Gather them from your garden or simply buy them at your local grocery store.  It’s the quickest, easiest way to spruce up any meal. 
  3. Color your bathroom. Incorporate small buds from a rosebush for a lovely piece of décor. And don’t forget colorful guest towels!
  4. Spice up your wardrobe. Try one of the fun neon colors that are hip and trendy today. I like the neon green neoprene bags as a little “pick-me-up!”

Color your world today and bring smiles to all those around you! From party décor to wardrobe overhauls, I’ve got a ton of creative ideas that I’d love to share with you, just ask!

Happy, Happy!