Robin Laub, a Life Stylist

6 Ways to Gaze at the Golden Gate Bridge

Did you know that the Golden Gate Bridge is one of the 7 Wonders of the Modern World? Or, that it’s actually not golden but red? Well, it’s a wonder and it’s truly magical looking at it from all different angles. Let me enrich you with all the different ways to gaze at the Golden Gate Bridge!

1. Walk it!
The Golden Gate Bridge is approximately 3 miles to walk the bridge up and back on foot. There are various outlets along the bridge walkway where you can stop and gaze at the San Francisco skyline, the surrounding islands including Alcatraz and Angel Island and the stunning San Francisco Bay.

2. Bike it!
There’s a bike lane on the bridge, but please be careful of the pedestrians. My dear sister who has some hearing challenges was yelled by some biker, “to get out of the way!” because first, unfortunately, she couldn’t hear him and second, she veered unknowingly into the bike lane while walking. Step aside note: Remember to stay on the left side of the bridge while walking. And bikers, be kind:) You can rent bikes here.

3. Hike it!
Well…you can’t really hike up the actual bridge (that’s illegal!), but you can hike up the paths next to the bridge leading up to the headlands to view the vast bridge from above. I recommend starting your hike from Cavallo Point at Fort Baker and hike under the bridge and up the hilly headlands to the vista for primo Golden Gate Bridge viewing. Spectacular! Then, hike back down to Cavallo Point for a bite to eat.

4. Bus it!
Take a bus tour and ride back and forth along this 90’ wide and 3-mile long bridge beauty. Be sure to stop at the Vista Point for some great gazing and phenomenal photo opportunities. There’s even a trolley at the Vista Point that shuttles back and forth from one end of the bridge to another! So, if you get tired from walking the bridge, just hop on the trolley to bring you back to your beginning point. The bus tour is fun because a professional guide will describe the history of the bridge during your ride. Fascinating! Fun fact: The cost for the Golden Gate Bridge was $27 million.

5. Fly it!
What? Yes, really! Reserve a seat in a private helicopter and have a heli-fun ride! Try and fly San Francisco Vista Grande Helicopter and swoop underneath the bridge and fly out into the wide blue yonder. Actually, it’s the Pacific Ocean you’ll be flying over. Ha! This is a super thrill ride, which will fly you back over the bridge so you can look down below at the statuesque beauty of the Golden Gate Bridge. Hella fun! Haha!

6. Dive it!
Again, what? Ha! If you park at Cavallo Point be sure to walk to this dive bar at the Presidio Yacht Club and grab a beer, munch on a bag of Lays and take in an exquisite view of the bridge. Now, that’s worth the dive!

If you’d like me to plan a family reunion at Cavallo Point, need more tips, or help packing a picnic for the hiking view of a lifetime, Just Ask!